Table of Contents

AVR programmer for begginers

This project is for educational purposes only.


Currently popular programmers have the following disadvantages:

The code is based on project that is a part of LUFA framework (Lightweight USB Framework for AVRs by Dean Camera): The board is my design.

Programmer advantages



Element Wartość Opis
IC1 AT90USB162 microcontroller
USB - solder field for USB wire
F1 500 [mA] Polymer fuse
R1 R2 22 [Ω] USB-line impedance-match resistors
C1 1 [uF] 3V3 USB voltage stabiliser capacitor 1)
C3 C4 33 [pF] oscillator capacitors
Y1 16 [MHz] quartz oscillator
C2 100 [nF] power bus decoupling capacitor
C5 10 [uF] power bus decoupling capacitor
R3 1 [kΩ] pull resistor
R4 1 [kΩ] bootloader line pullup resistor
R5 R6 1k ÷ 220 [Ω] LED resistors
LED1 LED2 Signal LEDs
Goldpin headers


  1. Check all components and connections


1. Download required tools:

Linux users should download appropriate tools and use them accordingly to their OS.

Code from LUFA requires modification: pin PB4 must be inactive (high impedance mode). To reduce board layer count one trace crosses one pin. Pin is unused in this application and must remain floating. Therefore user must modify IOs initialization code.

2. Connect device to the PC. You should see a new device using Device Manager or USBView. Linux users can use lsusb

3. Install DFU drivers from Atmel FLIP directory. (Linux users should follow instructions for DFU programmer).

4. If user compiled the firmware on his own, he can use a make script to program the device. If user use precompiled code:

  1. Run Atmel FLIP
  2. Select DeviceSelect…→AT90USB162→OK
  3. Select SettingsCommunicationUSB
  4. When window USB Port Connection opens choose Open
  5. Select FileLoad HEX File… and open appropriate file
  6. In the Operations Flow tab click Run
  7. Close Atmel FLIP

5. Reset programmer trough re-plugging it from PC USB port. Among USB devices user should see a new device. Drivers for it are located in the libUSB-win directory.

6. If our system does not accept unsigned driver user need to generate appropriate INF file using inf-wizard application from libUSB-win directory.

If you have AVRStudio installed your system most likely has Jungo WinDriver drivers installed. This programmer will not work with those drivers, you need to force using libUSB drivers.

How to use programmer

If you use AVRDude please use following scheme:

avrdude -pXX -cavrispmkii -P usb

where XX put target device name (ex. -pm8 for ATmega8). Useful argument is

-B 4

that sets the period of clock signal (in this case 4 [us] → 250 [kHz])

Firmware upgrade

MCU manufacturer uploads bootloader to the chip during fabrication process. Bootloader code is located at the end of program memory. After reset PC (program counter) is “jumping” over NOP-filled (NO Operation) memory till it reaches the bootloader code. After firmware upload bootloader does not start automatically. We can force MCU to jump directly into bootloader code after reset. To do so:

Schematic below shows point you should short (programmer must be connected to the PC during the process).

Metal tool such as callipers can be used. One of the signals can be pulled using GND wire from the programmer pin header.

Take attention to the procedure. Accidental shorting of power line to the ground might influence your PC. I have marked the power line by red, ground plane by colour blue and signal lines to be pulled-down by violet.


for AVR USB peripheral