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DIY Xbox 360 PC wireless receiver with MSP430 control
Germany 15.06.2013
Xbox 360 wireless controller can be used with PC when special adapter is used. Xbox 360 itself has a separate RF module that communicates with motherboard through USB interface. Additional interface is used to initialize module LEDs and start sync process. One can create adapter for a fraction of cost using only several elements.
Required parts:
- Xbox360 RF board
- USB cable
- LDO (3.3 [V])
- Capacitor/resistor for MCU
Pinout of the RF board from top:
<html> <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8” standalone=“no”?>
Board must be powered by 3v3 so I decided to use LDO. Furthermore to start pairing process specific serial command must be sent. I have used MSP430G2231 for this task. MCU need reset pull-up resistor and decoupling capacitor. Pins 1 and 8 are connected to RF board.
Pairing process starts few seconds after device is powered. No external button needed.
#include <msp430.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define DATA 1 #define CLOCK 8 #define DTA_INPUT P1DIR &= ~DATA; #define DTA_OUTPUT P1DIR |= DATA; #define DTA_HI P1OUT |= DATA; #define DTA_LO P1OUT &= ~DATA; volatile signed short bit_counter =0; volatile unsigned short command =0; //Port 1 interrupt service routine #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void Port_1(void) { P1IFG &= ~CLOCK; // are we sending or receiving? if (bit_counter>0) { DTA_OUTPUT if (command & (1<<(bit_counter-1))) DTA_HI else DTA_LO } // stop bit! else if (bit_counter == 0) { P1OUT |= DATA; command=0; } else { DTA_INPUT if (P1IN&DATA) command |= (1<<((11+bit_counter))); else command &= ~(1<<((11+bit_counter))); } bit_counter--; } inline void send(char s) { DTA_OUTPUT command = s; bit_counter = 10; DTA_LO // Send start bit } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main(void) { unsigned short delay=0; // // CLOCK // WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer if (CALBC1_1MHZ==0xFF) // If calibration constants erased { while(1); // do not load, trap CPU!! } DCOCTL = 0; // Select lowest DCOx and MODx settings BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; // // Serial Interface // P1OUT |= DATA; // DTA HIGH P1DIR |= (1<<6); DTA_OUTPUT // DTA OUTPUT P1IES |= CLOCK; // fires on falling edge~ P1IFG &= ~CLOCK; // int cleared P1IE |= CLOCK; // int enabled // // Start // __enable_interrupt(); __delay_cycles(2000000); send(132); // LEDs active with power button on while(--delay); // Delay for a while send(0x085); // Start animation while(--delay); while(--delay); send(0x004); // Start sync __delay_cycles(5000000); // Give some extra time to finish cmd send __disable_interrupt(); // Turn off MCU _BIS_SR(LPM4_bits); }
- There is no way to detect if controller is connected without snooping USB. Current and serial responses do not change after connection.
- RF board should be easy to get as repair shops have huge stock from broken Xboxs
- TI Application Report PCB-Based Capacitive Touch Sensing With MSP430 Zack Albus
- TI Application Report Capacitive Touch Sensing, MSP430™ Button Gate Time Optimization and Tuning Guide